Making Sense of Respiratory Viral Panel Results

Viral culture, once the gold standard method for detection of respiratory viruses, is slow and labor-intensive and requires specialized expertise, while rapid antigen detection methods are faster but generally suffer from low sensitivity. Multiplex molecular assays, which rely on detection of viral nucleic acids, provide prompt results with high sensitivity and specificity, making them ideal tests when used in the context of a thoughtful clinical evaluation, but their ready availability can sometimes leave clinicians and clinical microbiologists with more information than they know what to do with.

What Viruses Do PCR-based Panels Detect?

Illustration showing how to collect a nasopharyngeal swab.

While there is some variation among panels, most multiplex PCR-based respiratory viral panels test for influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), adenovirus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, coronavirus (not that coronavirus–see below), rhinovirus, enterovirus, and human metapneumovirus; some also include bocavirus and offer subtyping of influenza, parainfluenza, RSV, and coronavirus. (Of note, most panels cannot distinguish between rhinovirus and enterovirus.)

The “respiratory viral panel” (RVP) offered by a given hospital or clinic lab may refer to one of a number of different tests. The focus of this article is on commercial multiplex systems, in which a company produces both a testing platform and the associated consumables (cartridges to which the patient sample, usually a nasopharyngeal swab, is added), but some labs offer PCR-based tests that they have developed and validated in-house, known as laboratory-developed tests (LDTs). The LDT tests or test panels offered by a hospital laboratory are unlikely to be as extensive or comprehensive as the panels provided with commercial platforms and usually include a more limited list of pathogens – for example, influenza, RSV, and adenovirus.

How Long Does a Test Remain Positive After Infection?

The high sensitivity of RVPs is one of their main advantages, but it also means that tests may remain positive when the presence of virus is no longer clinically relevant (or may be positive in the complete absence of symptoms; see below). Viral shedding can continue after resolution of symptoms in respiratory infections; shedding for up to a week following symptom onset is not uncommon in influenza, for example. In children and immunocompromised people, shedding of respiratory viruses can last for weeks or longer. It is also important to note that RVPs detect nucleic acid from respiratory viruses, but the presence of nucleic acid does not necessarily imply the presence of viable virus–it may simply be “leftover” genetic material from a recent infection.

What Is the Clinical Significance of Respiratory Viral Panel Results?

It is essential that RVP results be interpreted carefully in clinical context. This is true of every diagnostic test, of course, but this is a particularly pronounced issue in multiplex testing, where a clinician may have been concerned primarily with only a few of the viruses on the panel but still has to interpret results for all of them. Here are a few key considerations:

Transmission electron micrograph of two Adenovirus particles.

How Can RVP Results Guide Patient Care?

Uncertainty remains about the utility of multiplex RVPs for otherwise healthy patients. Most results on a full RVP are unlikely to affect management in this population, so targeted testing (e.g. for influenza alone) may be preferable, although there is evidence that positive RVP results can help to reduce hospital admissions and unnecessary or prolonged antibiotic courses. (For immunocompromised patients, a full RVP is more likely to influence management.) In practice, most laboratories have a limited number of options for molecular viral respiratory testing, so clinicians may end up having to interpret the results of a full RVP even if they were only interested in testing for 1 or 2 of the viruses. Following are clinical considerations for some of the viruses on these panels; the clinical microbiology laboratory is also a valuable resource for clinicians seeking guidance on test interpretation.

My Patient’s Panel Is Positive for Coronavirus. Should I Panic?

No. The coronaviruses detected by commercial RVPs are common circulating strains that generally cause self-limited disease; these tests do not cross-react with SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus first identified in late 2019 that causes COVID-19 disease. Molecular testing for SARS-CoV-2 is currently available at the CDC and is expected to be available soon at some state laboratories.

The above represents the views of the author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the American Society for Microbiology.