Privacy data protection act thailand

Last review date: 10 January 2024

☒ omnibus – all personal data
☒ sector-specific — e.g., financial institutions, governmental bodies
☒ constitutional


Thailand's Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) (PDPA), as a consolidated/omnibus law, was approved by the National Legislative Assembly in February 2019 and published in the Government Gazette in May 2019. It is the first consolidated legislation governing the collection, use, disclosure, and cross-border transfer of personal data, with extraterritorial effect. Following three-year-long postponements by the Thai Government due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the PDPA became fully effective on 1 June 2022.

Following the PDPA’s effective date, several sub-regulations and guidelines under the PDPA were officially published by the Personal Data Protection Committee (PDPC), while there are a number of draft sub-regulations which are still under consideration in the pipeline.


Personal data is regulated/restricted in sector-specific laws, which include the following:

Government Agencies – The Official Information Act B.E. 2540 (1997) provides protection for personal data of individuals which is in the possession or control of a state agency.


The right to privacy has long been recognized in the Thai legal system and upheld under the Thai Constitution. Therefore, a person shall have the right to be afforded protection against undue exploitation of their personal data, as provided by law.

Theoretically, any violation of the Thai Constitution that results in damage to others may constitute a wrongful act (a tort) under the Thai Civil and Commercial Code. However, to date, no court decision that interprets the provisions of the Constitution in this light has been issued.