Contribution Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

A contribution agreement is a legal document that will lay out the conditions surrounding the transfer of an asset from one party to another. Small businesses also uses these type of agreements for:

To be legally binding it must:

What Is an Equity Contribution Agreement?

An equity contribution agreement occurs between two parties that are agreeing to pool together cash, capital, and other assets into a company to conduct business. The capital is provided in exchange for a portion of the equity in the company venture. An equity contribution agreement will need to include:

How to Form a Contribution Agreement

Forming a contribution agreement requires several steps to ensure that everything is included.

  1. Consult a legal library, government website, or the Internal Revenue Service to find agreement templates covering the varying types of contribution. Follow the sample by creating the same sections such as title, terms and conditions, and contractual elements.
  2. List all parties to the agreement. Be sure to include any beneficiaries when applicable and anyone who has an interest that could alter the terms and conditions of the agreement. Use full legal names and complete addresses of all parties, and make sure the owners are clearly identified.
  3. Specify the details of the items being donated such as whether it is material, money, property, or even computer code. Make sure it is fully described so that anyone reading it could understand what it is.
  4. Create an outline of the contribution limits or time constraints, such as the period of acceptance before the agreement is voided. All obligations should be completely explained and all time limits and regulations should be agreed upon.
  5. List and detail the laws that were utilized to create the agreement. This is important in case any of the agreement is challenged later. Include references such as tax regulations or government handbooks.
  6. File a copy of your agreement with any necessary regulatory agencies. Provide a copy to the IRS, all parties involved in the agreement, your financial officer, and accountant.

Understanding an LLC Contribution Agreement

The members that make up an LLC, whether they are other companies or individuals, will often make a financial contribution to start the business in exchange for a percentage of the equity of the company. The company may decide to sign a contribution agreement if it needs additional funding for things such as:

Sections of the LLC Contribution Agreement

A contribution agreement should contain multiple sections including:

If you need help with a contribution agreement, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel accepts only the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.