thoroughly master basic motor skills by drawing, cutting, and coloring. The workbooks promote these skills and also present simple lessons in math and reading. These engaging workbooks are comprised of step-by-step exercises and activities that allow students to master a concept before proceeding to a new lesson. The Kumon program is designed to motivate young children, such as those in preschool and kindergarten, to enjoy schoolwork, explore new concepts, and develop academic skills. Kumon workbooks provide instruction for students all the way through high school math and reading courses.
The following basic skills workbooks are among those offered as part of the Kumon preschool and kindergarten program.
• First Book of Coloring: This book focuses on skills such as coloring inside lines, selecting the appropriate colors for objects, and using creativity when coloring.
• My First Book of Tracing: Children can use this workbook to practice tracing straight lines, curved lines, and diagonal lines as a precursor for writing numbers and letters.
• My First Book of Drawing: This Kumon book contains exercises that encourage children to develop pencil control, draw simple lines and shapes, and create drawings of familiar objects.
• My Book of Easy Mazes: Young students can improve upon their tracing skills by working through the fun mazes in this workbook.
• My Book of Easy Crafts: Children can create simple three-dimensional crafts by following the cutting and pasting instructions included in this book.
Preschoolers and kindergarteners can learn Kumon math at home with workbooks such as these listed below.
• My Book of Numbers 1-120: When working through the lessons in this book, students will learn to recognize numbers and write them in numerical order. The concept of decimal position is introduced.
• My Book of Number Games 1-150: This book of connect-the-dot exercises and color-by-number activities help young children to strengthen their number recognition skills.
• My Book of Easy Telling Time: This Kumon book introduces skills such as telling time by the hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour.
• My Book of Simple Addition: This introductory addition book teaches students how to add “one more” or “two more” to a given number. Other books in this series focus on subtraction and multiplication.
• My First Book of Money: Counting Coins: With this workbook, children use Kumon’s incremental method when learning the names and monetary values of various coins.
• My First Book of Uppercase Letters: This book does not teach uppercase letters in alphabetical order–rather, students first learn easy-to-write letters before moving on to letters with more complicated formations.
• My First Book of Lowercase Letters: Children complete the tracing and connect-the-dot exercises in this book while first learning simple-stroke letters and later working on curved and diagonal letters.
• My Book of Rhyming Words: After learning to read and write the alphabet, Kumon students can use this book to say, trace, and write simple rhyming words.
• My Book of Writing Words: This workbook contains exercises on consonant pairings and vowel pairings that help students to increase vocabulary skills.
• My Book of Sentences: This advanced workbook is designed for students who are ready to write and comprehend sentences with nouns, verbs, and adjectives.
Kumon workbooks provide preschool and kindergarten homeschoolers with a variety of motivating lessons designed to introduce basic academic concepts and skills. Parents can use these Kumon books as a main component of preschool or kindergarten homeschool programs or can order individual workbooks as supplements to other programs