Fact Sheet: The No Child Left Behind Act: Five Years of Results for America's Children

Today, President Bush Met With Bicameral And Bipartisan Members Of Congress On The Fifth Anniversary Of The No Child Left Behind Act. In 2001, President Bush worked with Republicans and Democrats to pass the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), and he was proud to sign it into law in 2002. The reauthorization of NCLB is one of the President's top priorities – and an area where he believes both parties can work together to improve our children's lives and enhance American competitiveness.

The No Child Left Behind Act Is Showing Good Results

States Are Successfully Implementing No Child Left Behind. As of 2006, for the first time all 50 States and the District of Columbia have accountability plans in place as well as reading/language arts and mathematics assessments for grades 3-8, plus one assessment in high school. The percentage of classes taught by a highly qualified teacher has risen to 91 percent. In addition, nearly 450,000 eligible students have received free supplemental educational services or public school choice.

Student Achievement Is Rising. Between 2003 and 2005, 43 States and the District of Columbia improved or held steady in all categories of students tested in reading and math. In addition:

Test Results Show The Achievement Gap Is Closing. According to the Nation's Report Card, from 1999 to 2004:

We Must Continue To Build On No Child Left Behind's Progress. The President called on the Committee leaders to strengthen NCLB by: